Monday, May 16, 2011

The fall of Rome

It is believed that many things contributed to the fall of Rome. There are many different opinions on how Rome itself ended and some believe that it didn't end at all, just became something different like everything else. For those who believe that there was an actual fall, here are some beliefs as to why it fell. Some believe that it had to do with Christians. Money was collected for Christians for charity or something pertaining to the christian faith. Many felt however that this money wasn't really going to charities or anything that was beneficial for Rome. This caused diversity which could possibly led to the fall. Another thing that people believed could caused it was lack of communication and respect in a way. When there is really no communication between an emperor and his village, this can lead to problems. If the people of the village don't believe that the law that was just placed is necessary, this can start wars and problems which can therefore lead to people leaving thus the fall of Rome. It is also believed that the fall was due to evening out prices. Say someone makes a pair of shoes with more expensive/rare leather and another makes shoes with easy to find and cheap leather. They're both making the same amount of money which people consider to be unjust. The problem with this system is that the shoemaker with the easier to find cheaper leather will have no problem making however many pairs needed. The expensive leather shoemaker however could possibly not have enough money to pay for the leather and since it's rare they could run out of it. Though many things could've lead to the fall of Rome including, sickness (which could easily spread due to the dense population,) financial problems, or even lack of army, we don't even know if there really was a fall. The most logic reason right now is that Rome just changed. No matter what you believe, whether that be that there was a fall or not, it did change. A fall would be a change. Though many things contributed to existing problems in Rome, it changed for either the better or the worse (depending on who you ask.) If you were to ask someone who thought it changed for the worse, the best expression to use in terms of talking to that person is, "those who never learn from history are deemed to repeat it."


 Algera was discovered by an arabic man, Al-Khwarizmi. Algebra was unknown numbers and the concept was finding those unknown numbers.  He wrote a book about algebra.  His book on algebra was used in many schools. The number 0 was recognized by Al-Khwarizmi. The oConcepts that he discovered are still used today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An Ordinary Muslum

Muslums do many things on a day to day basis that contribute to their religion. They also do things throughout their lives to contribute. Something they do on a day to day basis would be pray. They pray five times a day. Though men have it easier when it comes to prayer. Men can pray whenever, wherever with whatever they have on. Women on the other hand, must cover their hair and hide every part of their body (typically with some sort of cape.) Both sex's have to wash themselves before they prey to show respect to Allah. They must wash their feet, elbows, hands and face.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Terrace is shown because this helped keep a lot of rainwater in good use for farming. The terrace walls would help the water stay in the land and stop it from running off of the fields. 
Hollowed out tree. Shown because farmers used to store extra rainwater in a series of places including hollowed out trees.
This is supposed to be a riverbed down a mountain. That is being shown because ancient riverbeds that are on the mountain fill the sides of the mountain up with rain during rainstorms. 
The Indian Ocean. This is being shown because it always brings moisture to the mountains causing rain so it plays a roll in the environment.

Costal Plain

The dams and wells that were built lasted about 1000 years but in 580 C.E, the walls broke and obviously flooded.
The picture of the well/dam is shown because people built wells/dams all around to irrigate the land.
This picture is of a rocky cliff is shown because the Arabian Costal Plain ends in a series of rocky cliffs.
This picture of a Costal Plain is describing the environment itself

The oasis

The grass and shrubs are shown because Oasis' occurs "where fresh water is available." Plants, shrubs and grass all need water in order to survive. Somewhere that contains a lot of water will have plants.

The large areas of land is the Oasis itself. This are of land has a lot of land/water for plants and vegetation. It is very fertile land.

The water for the vegetation is shown because it was said that Nomads went from oasis to oasis on a thrive for water.

The dates and peaches are shown here because Oasis dwellers often grew fruits like the dates and peaches.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The desert. Both enviorment and adaptations.

The violent storms seen is the rare rain you'll actually see in a desert. It rains rarely but when it does, they're violent storms that come along with the rain.
The picture of a desert is describing the environment itself.

The goats, and camels are shown because it was a big part of the desert. They are what people usually travel on and often categorized with the desert.

The nomads are shown in this because they migrated through the desert in the sixth century.